…And when you see this wondrous thing
That grew me up so well,
Say thank you to the Goddess
Who made us from one cell…

–Dr. Sarah Buckley, “Ode to My Placenta”

Tina - Placenta Artist

Tina is an artist who transforms the sacred placenta into beautiful and unique works of art, giving families remarkable reminders of the wonders of their bodies and the miracle of birth. Whether you're looking for a simple and elegant print of your placenta, a one-of-a-kind piece of art, or a beautiful mold of your pregnant belly, Tina works with you to create something truly special. Her creations are more than just art—they are cherished keepsakes that celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of each family's journey.

Our Offerings

  • Placenta Print

    A placenta print is a beautiful and unique way to commemorate the incredible journey of pregnancy and birth. This artistic process involves creating a detailed impression of the placenta on paper or canvas, capturing its intricate patterns and natural beauty.

    Each placenta print is a one-of-a-kind piece, reflecting the uniqueness of every birth experience. These prints serve as a tangible reminder of the life-giving role the placenta plays, symbolizing the connection between mother and child. Whether displayed as a piece of art in your home or kept as a personal memento, a placenta print is a meaningful keepsake that celebrates the wonder and miracle of birth.

  • Placenta Art

    Placenta art is a unique and meaningful way to celebrate the beauty and significance of childbirth. By using the placenta, an organ that plays a crucial role during pregnancy, artists can create stunning keepsakes that honour the journey of pregnacy and parenthood.

    This art form can take many shapes, from simple and elegant prints of the placenta to intricate, one-of-a-kind pieces crafted with its essence. Additionally, molds of pregnant bellies can be transformed into beautiful works of art to be displayed in your home. Each piece of placenta art is a testament to the incredible process of bringing new life into the world, serving as a lasting reminder of the strength and beauty of the birthing experience.

    Placenta art provides families with a tangible connection to the miraculous moments of pregnancy and birth, making it a cherished keepsake for years to come

  • Belly Casting

    A belly cast is a beautiful and unique way to capture the shape and essence of a pregnant belly. This process involves creating a three-dimensional plaster mold of the expectant mother's belly, preserving the special time of pregnancy in a tangible form.

    Belly casts serve as a lasting memento of the pregnancy journey, celebrating the beauty and transformation of the body during this extraordinary period. These casts can be kept in their natural state or customized with artistic designs to reflect the personality and style of the family. Displayed as a piece of art, a belly cast is a cherished keepsake that honors the miracle of carrying new life.

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Supporting Families across Southwestern Ontario