WTF Prenatal Class

Birth may be natural, but it certainly isn’t normal!

We know that pregnancy and birth aren’t like anything else you’ve ever experienced in your normal day to day life… and it all feels super high stakes, yes? But what if…

  • You knew how your body worked to help you give birth efficiently and with minimal pain?

  • You felt connected to yourself and you knew about your options through it all?

  • You and your partner felt like a team supporting each other as you meet your new baby?

Join the WTF Pregnancy Prenatal Class to learn about pregnancy and birth, gain confidence, and be read to meet your baby in the best way possible!

Oh, and why WTF? Because we know you’re muttering it under your breath as some other weird pregnancy thing happens! … or as you wonder how the heck a baby is going to actually fit out of your vagina… or as you think about how your boobs are going to possibly feed another person.

At our prenatal classes, we go there. Guaranteed we’re laughing a lot, and guaranteed we’re talking about poop - yes, the baby’s and yours.

You’ll leave your pregnancy and birth education class knowing the 5 Hs:

  1. How it works - your pregnant body, birth, and postpartum.

  2. How it feels - your beliefs, stages of labor, comfort measures.

  3. How to be helped - pain management, medical support, your team.

  4. How to heal - postpartum planning, expectations for the early days.

  5. How to caretake - meeting your newborn, working together with your partner.

We believe in keeping it real, and that’s what the WTF Pregnancy Prenatal Class is all about. Through hand on practice, group sharing, question and answer periods, couples challenges, and lots of laughter, you’ll leave the class feeling confident and prepared. You’ll leave the class feeling like you can do this - and you can!

What if you could give birth with epic confidence, rock solid support and total trust?

How would it feel to have the knowledge and skills to:

Know how your body works and fully trust in your ability to give birth to your baby in your own way?

You really can birth!

Imagine and take steps towards having a birth that feels really, truly amazing even though it is hard work?

Your birth can be awesome!

Ask for and share your needs and desires during pregnancy and birth with your partner and your care provider… and have those needs met?

You are worthy of support.

Have a team around you that you can lean on and know they will be there for you because you asked them to?

You are so loved and cared for.

Connect with your baby before you even meet them and enjoy becoming a parent?

You are the perfect parent for your babe!

How would it feel to be confident?

You can choose your own adventure. You can learn how your body works, birth with confidence, and meet your newborn feeling ready and secure.

Class Info:

$240/ two attendees

Sunday, June 16th, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: TBA

We believe in you…

♥ You can do this! You truly can have a wonderful birth experience!

♥ Your relationship with your partner can deepen through birth as you learn and grow together.

♥ Knowledge matters. Learning about pregnancy and birth helps to eliminate fear.

♥ … but knowledge isn’t everything! Trusting and loving yourself through this journey matters too.

The WTF Pregnancy Prenatal Class is here to inform you, support you, but most of all.. to empower you! Knowing how your body works, how labor progresses, and what your first days after birth may look like will help you to feel in control of your journey.

After all, it really is YOUR journey – your body, your birth, your baby = your rules!

Contact us.

Supporting Families across Southwestern ON