Why Doulas Deserve Fair Compensation: Let's Change How We Work Together

As doulas, we work incredibly hard to provide compassionate care, support, and guidance to families during one of the most life-changing experiences they'll ever have. Our work is personal, often emotional, and deeply meaningful. Yet, it's disheartening to see that many doulas are losing a significant portion of their earnings to organizations that don’t always offer much in return.

It’s not uncommon for these organizations to take 30-40% of what the service is worth—sometimes for nothing more than passing along an email inquiry. What’s even more frustrating is that many of these organizations don’t even have the doulas on their roster! They’re reaching out to the few doulas they do work with, scrambling to fulfill contracts or having those same few doulas on their roster reaching out to other doulas in the community they know to try and fulfill these contracts while the bulk of the earnings ends up in their pocket.

Where does that leave the doula? Exhausted, undervalued, and underpaid

A Broken System That Needs Change

Let’s be real—this system isn’t sustainable. Doulas deserve fair compensation for their time, expertise, and emotional labour. We pour our hearts into this work, and having someone else take such a significant chunk for doing the bare minimum can feel like a slap in the face. Sure, sending an email or answering an inquiry is part of running a business, but it doesn’t justify taking nearly half of what we earn for hands-on, life-changing work.

There is a better way. What if instead of taking a massive cut from a doula's income, these organizations simply referred clients to doulas directly? No middleman fees, no taking money out of the doula’s pocket—just a fair, reciprocal relationship.

Why Should Doulas Bear This Unfair Burden?

Think about it—when we refer clients to other professionals like lactation consultants, pelvic floor physiotherapists, or chiropractors, we don’t take any money from those referrals. Our focus is on getting families the support they need, not on pocketing a referral fee. Why shouldn’t the same principle apply when organizations send clients our way? Instead of taking 30-40% of a doula’s income, why not foster a collaborative environment where we can refer clients to one another without taking money out of anyone’s pocket?

This is about building a system of mutual respect, where both doulas and the organizations we work with benefit. A model of reciprocity—where doulas refer clients back to organizations for services they offer—helps everyone grow and thrive without exploiting the people doing the most labour-intensive work.

The Problem with Non-Compete Contracts

Another frustrating aspect of working with certain organizations is the non-compete contracts we’re often forced to sign. These agreements can prevent doulas from taking on their own clients or working with other organizations, severely limiting their ability to grow their own business and serve families in the best way they can.

These contracts keep doulas trapped, unable to spread their wings or offer the personalized care they are passionate about. The idea that a doula, whose livelihood depends on building relationships and trust with families, should be restricted by a non-compete is not only unfair—it’s damaging. It creates a power dynamic that favors organizations over the doula, leaving us with less autonomy and fewer opportunities to grow.

Building Fairer Relationships: A Win-Win for Everyone

Instead of the current model where doulas feel like they’re being shortchanged, we can build a system that benefits both doulas and organizations. Imagine this: an organization refers clients to doulas without taking a chunk of their earnings. In turn, the doulas can refer those clients back to the organization for additional services they offer. It's a fair exchange of referrals and resources that fosters collaboration, not competition.

This approach creates a win-win scenario. Doulas can maintain the income they deserve, while organizations still benefit by being known as a trusted resource. Over time, this mutual support helps build a stronger, more collaborative community where doulas feel empowered rather than exploited.

It’s Time to Rethink the Status Quo

We need to start looking at how we can support one another instead of trying to take from each other. Doulas are doing such important work—work that deserves respect, support, and fair pay. By moving away from the model of taking huge cuts from doulas’ earnings and embracing a system of mutual referral and collaboration, we can create a healthier, more sustainable environment for everyone.

Let’s build a community where doulas don’t have to choose between doing what they love and being fairly compensated for it. Let’s create a space where we can all thrive—together.

In solidarity,

Amy Silva

Founder of The Collaborative Doula Collective


The Hidden Cost of Undervaluing Doula Work: Why Undercharging Harms the Entire Profession


The Collaborative Doula Collective’s way - A Community for every Doula